Classis Lake Superior is a covenanted fellowship of churches that seek to be faithful Reformed expressions of the body of Christ, honoring the triune God through worship and prayer, making disciples for Jesus Christ, and proclaiming and portraying His love in their communities and the world.

Classis Lake Superior is to be:


A Place of Discerning the Spirit in Community

When classis delegates gather, they are to discern God’s will with others on behalf of their larger church community.

Classis, as a deliberative assembly, is a community where this discernment happens.

A Connection into the Wider Church

For many people, their main experience of being part of the broader family of the Christian Reformed Church is via classis. Churches participate in their denomination through classical structure and opportunity.

Classis also connects the broadness of North American ministry into the individual church’s own regional and local context, providing an avenue for a meaningful relationship with the denominational ministries. In addition, Classis should encourage churches to live outside themselves into the broader Christian community.

A Network of Support and Accountability

Because disciples are made to live in relationships, church leaders need a community of churches with which to share joys and struggles, to be encouraged and challenged.

Living into a Collective Calling

At some point, churches that are in healthy relationships with one another will begin to ask how God might be calling them to serve their city or region together.

Many ministry opportunities go beyond the ability of any one church. Some of these will be classis wide, while others may be in major urban centers of a large, geographically spread classis.