Regional Pastors

About: These are, in a sense, the pastors of the pastors. They provide support, encouragement, and a level of accountability for the pastors in our classis.


Mentoring for New Pastors

About: The CRC has a mentoring program in place for newly ordained pastors. The mentoring is designed to happen over a 5 year period (but certainly doesn’t have to end after that!). The Regional Pastor facilitates making sure that this mentoring relationship is established.

The booklet “Towards Effective Pastoral Mentoring” can be downloaded directly at this link: DOWNLOAD.

Contact: Your Regional Pastor (see above).

CRC Pastor-Church Relations

About: While Pastor-Church Relations is not a direct ministry of Classis, it is part of our denomination. There is a wealth of resources available, and the staff are always ready to talk. If there is any difficulty that you are experiencing as a pastor, or if you’d just like to strengthen your ministry, don’t hesitate to access this resource.


Solemnizing Marriages in Manitoba

If you are a CRC pastor looking to perform a marriage in the province of Manitoba, you may contact Rev. Brian Bolkema.
